Posted Monday, May 22, 2017 // 10:56

A couple months back, Rosen Lied had a "Lucky Seven" SNS event" for Holiday Child Bambi. I never won anything from the BJD hobby before, but it never hurt to just retweet on Twitter right? So when I saw Rosen Lied's announcement and tweet to me on 27 March (my Mom's birthday!!) that I was one of the lucky 7 winners, I was stunned and in disbelief for a while! 


Little Bambi was shipped to me on 19 May and arrived home on 22 May. I was very surprised to see such a big box! To be honest, I initially thought it was supposed to be Monday Child Bambi and even got a 5-6" wig for it, LMAO! I was thinking of making Bambi Yayoi's (Rosen Lied Mango) sister or brother, but obviously that plan gotta change now LOL.

Without much fuss, here's the box opening with the 16cm tinies Junsu and Yayoi helping out because we all thought it was a Monday Child that would be coming ROFL. My bad.

This is my first "chubby/giant baby" BJD so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I think it's just like a mega size YoSD LOL. And Rosen Lied white skin is so lovely! I really like their white skin; at least it isn't paper white like my Soom Chrom LOL.


Bambi's first faceup! I rather like how the faceup turned out but somehow I find something missing??? The little teeth are really adorable but I'm kind of too afraid to work on it more in case I ruin the entire faceup LOL! I think I might probably redo the faceup later when I get a better sense of who Bambi will be. 

Because of my mix-up, I don't have anything ready yet so it'll be a mad scramble to get some temporary outfit and 18mm eyes for Bambi until I have the time to get around making an outfit. For now, Bambi will just be using the random eyes Rosen Lied sent, a spare wig I had (I think the hair color goes well with the random eyes!) and a raincoat I managed to dig out that could fit the body.  (>w<)  

I'm still undecided on Bambi's character but I was thinking of making a boy since Rosen Lied confirmed that the Holiday Child body is genderless. But then again, Bambi would make a really adorable girl! Sadly I can't tell how Bambi would look like as a girl with my current faceup because I don't have a 9-10" girl wig at the moment. 

I already have two names in mind but I guess I will make the final decision until the wig/eyes/outfit come, hopefully in a week or so. I can't wait to finalize him/her! (≧▽≦ )

Meanwhile, Bambi in temporary wig, eyes and raincoat. Sorry for the dark, filtered images since it was really raining outside LOL!

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