Posted Wednesday, February 22, 2012 // 14:09

Darjeeling is here!! I was expecting her to come after Chiron but as it turned out she was shipped in just one month. She came on 22.02.2012 (lol) and I did her faceup on Saturday. She's my first girl and really very, very tiny!

Just a simple plain box!

Box, free calendar and postcards.
Dang Fairyland,did you send me Bisou postcard on purpose?!

I wasn't expecting her to come wrapped in a silver foil...

But there was a lovely box in it!

She's very, very tiny (11cm)! 

Close up with default free eyes.

A simple faceup (before eyelashes)

With eyelashes and wig ~

Her 8mm eyes seems too big, she looks like a bug with those black pupils covering her entire eyes.I might need to try and get her some 6mm eyes. She looks a bit chubby but is really cute! I'm afraid she might not be my last girl or "tiny" tiny. ¬_¬ I'll post more photos of her soon! >w<

* She was originally Rain, but the character has since been upgraded to a 26cm*

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Blogger kiro said...

She is absolutely adorable! <3
I could eat her up with spoon like chocolate pudding.
And she's so tiny! And that box she came in!
*dies of cute*

Sunday, February 26, 2012 4:18:00 pm  
Blogger ~ Vienni said...

Awwwwwwwwww~ So cute!!
Congrats for getting her~~ (^-^)v

Sunday, February 26, 2012 7:37:00 pm  
Blogger Galileo said...

@kiro nooo! Don't eat her! But she's so small you might end up accidentally chomping on her LOL >w<

@~ Vienni thank you!! >w<

Monday, February 27, 2012 1:25:00 pm  
Blogger Machiko said...

Omg so small and cute! I love her name ♥ Rain!! ♥ I do think the eyes are a bit too big though o_o...
LOL I've never seen the silver foil thing before..that's pretty funny. But I love the box she comes in too!! O_O!!

Monday, February 27, 2012 2:18:00 pm  
Blogger Galileo said...

@Machiko Thank you! The eyes are a little big ain't they? And 8mm is already so small! *_*

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:38:00 pm  

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