Posted Monday, July 18, 2011 // 15:30

So, I am in a dilemma. I don't know whether Sage should be L or Masaru, Manabu's lil brother. He looked like he could be both - he has Masaru's facial features and resemblance to Manabu, but I think he does also make a great L (well, basically my "type" of L is based on this and Matsuyama Ken'ichi protrayal of L (those lips! *dies*)).

The thing is, as Masaru, his head is obviously smaller than Manabu (though I thought he could be the frail, weak lil brother which is why he (his head?) looked smaller (LOL???), but as L, he isn't white-skin, though his little hands scream "L" and his Rosenlied body can practically slouch! ♥ (And to admit, I sort of had a crazy idea to get another Sage or Poppy and make him Beyond Birthday)  ≧∇≦

So, I gave Sage a coin and told him to decide if he wants to be Masaru or L. Apparently, he couldn't make up his mind either because the coin rolled off the table and under the table to God knows where. OTL

Oh dilemma *theatrical sigh*

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Blogger Alice said...

SO CUTE *3* He'd make a lovely chibi L!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011 11:40:00 pm  
Blogger Machiko said...

LOL coin rolling off the table. XD!!
DO IT. For some reason I thought your Sage was WS...but I guess I was just making stuff up in my head. I think it's because my girl is WS that I assumed yours was too. My bad. >_<;;

I need a white shirt and jeans..and a new wig if I want to put Lareine up to cosplaying L. Although...her make up doesn't really suit it right now I don't think. LOL errr...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011 3:34:00 am  
Blogger Galileo said...

@Alice Thank you!! I'm so glad you think so! >w< I was thinking of keeping Sage temporarily as L~ ♥

@Machiko Ah you're right! Her lovely faceup makes her more suited to be a little girl! It'd be a waste if she was to 'cosplay' as a boy, but hey, she can always be a gorgeous boy!! XD

Tuesday, July 19, 2011 11:16:00 am  

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