Posted Sunday, March 31, 2013 // 14:52

Finally some Toma spam!!! Toma is my Migidoll Cho floating head. He is currently body-less though he will be sharing J's body from time to time. He is shown here on J's body, a Little Monica Harmony Type A body :

Proportion-wise, I think the LM  body is a good match for Migidoll heads, at least for Cho. The resin match is also quite close, I actually didn't notice that much difference in person, though funnily enough, the differences show up quite obviously in the comparison photos. The LM body is a tad pinker than the Migidoll head, though there might have been a tiny bit of yellowing of the Migidoll head. 

Anyway, I finally got the chance to spend some time with Toma for a photoshoot! I really love the Migidoll Cho sculpt especially those lips! Sadly my plain and crappy faceup doesn't do it any justice LOL! But look on Flickr and you'll see how intense and gorgeous the Cho sculpt can be! ♥w♥ I really need to work on my faceup skills! I think Migidoll heads are really very lovely and there are quite a number of other sculpts I like too, so I wouldn't dismiss the idea of getting another down the road but.... *trying not to jinx my wallet* LOL!

But enough talk! Time for some spam!! >w< 

And a parting shot!


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Blogger Alice said...

Looking good!! So poseable!! ^_^

Monday, April 01, 2013 12:57:00 am  
Blogger Galileo said...

Haha thank you! >w<

Monday, April 01, 2013 9:56:00 am  
Blogger Machiko said... look a lot of like someone famous.. X3 keke~~

Although in that comparison shot, you can tell the difference in terms of colors of the resin, if you didn't tell me, for the rest of the pictures, the match looks really good! O_O;


Although I don't know if it's cause I'm paying more attention to his hair/face than his over skin coloring..haha! XD

Monday, April 01, 2013 11:57:00 am  
Blogger Galileo said...

Hahaha Taemin <3 LOL! I thought the match was quite good in person, I didn't even realise there was an obvious difference until I took the photo under natural light lol! It's really weird!

Monday, April 01, 2013 2:46:00 pm  
Blogger ~ Vienni said...

;3; so handsomeee~ *drools*

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 12:10:00 pm  

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